Sunday 9 October 2011

A Red-Tainted Silence by Carolyn Gray

A Red-Tainted SilenceA Red-Tainted Silence by Carolyn Gray

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, Wow, Wow...just WOW! I finished reading this last night but felt I needed to sleep on it before I could write my review. It's morning now and I am still no closer to being able to do this book justice.

The format worked for me - switching from present to past and back again, revealing the story in tantalizing tidbits. The first person POV, first Brandon then Nicholas, worked well. Amazingly, each MC was revealed more fully by the other narrator, painting a complex and detailed portrait.

This was an emotional, oft-times gut wrenching read that once or twice sucked the breath right out of me. The characters were flawed, yes, but so well and humanly drawn. I loved Nicholas, the whirlwind, the charismatic performer who drew all into his orbit, but it was Brandon,the white knight, the damaged boy, who took up residence in my heart and soul.

Go. Read. You'll be better for it.

View all my reviews

Friday 30 September 2011

The Family Affair by James Gainer

I'm slowly but surely posting my (very subjective) reviews for the books I've read recently. In all probability there won't be any LITERATURE but they are the books that entertain and soothe my soul at the moment while life is being a bit more challenging than usual! ;)

The Family AffairThe Family Affair by James Gainer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a story about changes and dealing with loss. In a single moment Jack Perry's life was changed when his partner of 10 years drowned. Now it is a year later and he is forced to begin to deal with his loss when his sister's 23 year old stepson comes to live with him. Rick causes a flicker of life to re-ignite in Jack, waking him up from his year-long funk. Their attraction quickly turns physical making Jack question the appropriateness of a relationship which could be considered taboo. But Rick is always challenging Jack to take another step, to move forward. As Jack is attempting to sort out his growing feelings toward Rick, outside circumstances affect his career as the producer/writer of a successful TV show. But it is dealing with a family crisis which finally compels Jack to begin to move forward with his new life.

An emotional, well written story (for the most part - it would benefit from a good proof-reader to catch a few mistakes - but that is a personal pet peeve) populated by likable characters. A book definitely worth reading.

Book was won in a First-Reads giveaway.

View all my reviews

Wednesday 13 July 2011

HOT SUMMER DAYS fiction on GoodReads!

Summertime has traditionally been a time for "light" reading. You know, a juicy paperback to throw into a beach bag or to take to the cottage. In this day and age, the computer, e-reader or any number of other devices have been added to the mix. And for that I am so very thankful! Otherwise I would never have been able to read so many wonderful FREE short stories!

GoodReads' M/M Group enlisted its fabulous authors to write short stories based on photos and letters submitted by group members. The results have been astounding! Such talent!

Like the Taste of SummerLike the Taste of Summer by Kaje Harper

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beautiful, just beautiful! Perfection in the guise of a short story!

View all my reviews

Sunday 22 May 2011

First Time

A new blog, which I am sure not another soul in the world will ever see! ;) And that's OK! I tend to be a private, introverted person with the need to babble about my boring, mundane life on rare occasion. have been warned! :)